Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Golden Milk

A good night of sleep does wonders, and what a better way to guarantee a great night of sleep than a reconforting drink that also works as an anti-oxidant, anti-inflamatory and anti-cancer?!

At the end of last year I received an amazing basket of Sonnentor products and you can't imagine how thrilled and curious I was when one of the products was a Turmeric Latte with vanilla flavour!

It is very simple to make and a pre-sleep treasure!


* Turmeric Latte powder Sonnentor
* Oat drink (or other you like);

(1) Boil the milk.
(2) Mix the Sonnentor powder until it is homogeneous.
(3) Enjoy.
(4) Sleep like a baby!

Sweet dreams!

P.S. The painting behind the Turmeric Latte was made by Filipa Godinho! Check her blog out 

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